Registratore Roland VS880 EX Nuovo di negozio con imballo

The VS-880 Digital Studio Workstation is the first affordable integrated digital recorder, digital mixer, digital editor and effects processor in the world. Data storage is accomplished via the... continua

The VS-880 Digital Studio Workstation is the first affordable integrated digital recorder, digital mixer, digital editor and effects processor in the world. Data storage is accomplished via the internal Iomega Jaz drive with 1GB removable disks or a fixed


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Prezzo: 183,00 IVA incl. / PZ
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Descrizione: Registratore Roland VS880 EX Nuovo di negozio con imballo

The VS-880 Digital Studio Workstation is the first affordable integrated digital recorder, digital mixer, digital editor and effects processor in the world. Data storage is accomplished via the internal Iomega Jaz drive with 1GB removable disks or a fixed

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